notes from underground visual culture

BiLog, notes from underground visual culture,
by Rub Kandy, travelling billboard, Rome sept 2011
Photographers: Carmelo Battaglia, Luca De Gennaro, Giorgia Fileni.
Thanks to: My psychedelic cameraman Angelo Sabatiello. Quentin e Tangui, who were in Rome to shoot the doc "Streetosphere". Ottavia J.E.H. Testaguzza for the translation. Federico, who worked at the file.

"Last September, in Rome, I printed a picture and put it as an advertising board on a van that traveled all over the city. The picture is a remix of the one that in the 90’s was printed on LSD blotters (decorated paper sheets, soaked in LSD and other, pre-cut in squares). Many of us have eaten that picture whose author is, probably, unknown."

*Note about the original picture: The man flying carefree on his bicycle is Albert Hofmann, inventor of LSD, portrayed during his most famous ride: when in 1943 he rode all the way home from his lab after taking a fix of his own invention.

2 march update

Inspirándose en una anécdota protagonizada por el inventor del LSD Albert Hofmann en 1.943, cuando tras sintetizar por primera vez la formula, probo una muestra, regresando a su casa en bicicleta. Un acontecimiento que ha sido objeto de numerosas obras. El street art Rub Kandy, realizo en septiembre del año pasado su propia versión en 3D, dibujando la celebre escena sobre el remolque de una camioneta que circulaba, por la plaza de San Pedro en Roma. Si tenéis oportunidad de verlo en tres dimensiones, podréis experimentar, al menos visualmente las mismas sensaciones que el famoso químico. [