Walk on the Light Side
An Illumination Project in Public Space
September 11/12/13, 2009 in Zurich West
Walk on the Light Side is an illumination project in public space. 18 artists present their site-specific works in a curved road marked by 22 street lamps. The well illuminated outdoor showroom situated in the middle of Zurich West serves as an ideal place to induce thinking about illumination and abysses.
The exhibition Walk on the Light Side will be open on the 11th, 12th and 13th of September and will take place in an access road between Duttweiler bridge, Migros- Herdern and the EWZ premises. Along this road, all types of city street lamps are lined up in short intervals. The EWZ uses the alley as a model garden and test track to examine the suitability of the various lamps for daily use. Every evening at nightfall the lamps are switched on along with the remainder of the municipal lighting. In individual succession and variation they produce the entire luminance range which is normally used to light up separate parts of the city. In this inhospitable environment, the collective memory of the various public space illumination concepts – be it at Rietberg park or under Hard bridge – presents itself.
The idea to elevate light itself to an exhibition space whilst presenting works of art is preset by the location. Zurich West is a prime example of the current urban rebuilding process: the melding of city and agglomeration, conversions, new development areas. Presented in this context, the „light curve“ becomes a pièce de résistance, a playful, free zone within the alleged wasteland. Simultaneously, Japanese artist Noritoshi Hirakawa presents his “House of Autonomy“ project. In a tent right by the curved road, an exchange market will take place: Displayed on tables, various goods such as DVD’s, clothes and computers will be offered free of charge. Conversely, visitors are invited to bring goods which they would like to give away. An alternative to monetary trade? Or simply an opportunity to give and take without any obligation?
Walk on the Light Side – an exhibition project featuring
Seline Baumgartner (CH), Solvej Dufour Andersen (CH/DK), Sonja Feldmeier (CH), Rainer Ganahl (USA/AT), Dagmar Heppner (CH/DE), Noritoshi Hirakawa (USA/JAP), Beat Huber, (CH) Anna Kanai (CH), Martin Kippenberger (DE), Isabelle Krieg (CH), San Keller (CH), Lutz&Guggisberg (CH), Fabian Marti (CH), Fabio Marco Pirovino (CH), Tanja Roscic (CH), RothStauffenberg (DE), Mimmo Rubino (IT), Marc Zeier CH) –
is presented by eggn’spoon: Nadja Baldini, Luzia Davi, Beat Huber.
Preview Friday, September 11, 2009, from 7pm
19:44 performance by San Keller
Opening Saturday, September 12, 2009, from 7pm with bar, sound
by DJ Ulla + Tischlampenfieber
Open End Sunday, September 13, 2009, from 6pm
For further queries and images please contact:

Mimmo Rubino Lampe Nr. 15, Intervention: auslöschen einer Lampe und Applikation einer Tafel mit Satz aus "Aufzeichnungen aus dem Untergrund", F. Dostojewski. Tafel: 8x7cm [intervento: Spegnimento di un lampione ed applicazione di una targa con una citazione di "Memorie dal Sottosuolo" di F. Dostojewskij].
Img 4:
"Was mit all diesen Millionen von Tatsachen anfangen, die da bezeugen, daß die Menschen wissentlich, das heißt bei voller Erkenntnis ihrer wirklichen Vorteile, diese doch zurücksetzten und sich auf einem anderen Weg begaben, aufs Geratewohl in die Gefahr, von niemandem und durch nichts gezwungen, als hätten sie gerade die Vorteile verschmäht und eigenwillig und verstockt einen anderen, schweren unsinnigen Weg gesucht und nahezu im Dunkeln tappend?" [Aufzeichnungen aus dem Untergrund]
"What is to be done with the millions of facts that bear witness that men, consciously, that is fully understanding their real interests, have left them in the background and have rushed headlong on another path, to meet peril and danger, compelled to this course by nobody and by nothing, but, as it were, simply disliking the beaten track, and have obstinately, wilfully, struck out another difficult, absurd way, seeking it almost in the darkness." [Notes From Underground]
Что же делать с миллионами фактов, свидетельствующих о том, как люди зазнамо, то есть вполне понимая свои настоящие выгоды, отставляли их на второй план и бросались на другую дорогу, на риск, на авось, никем и ничем не принуждаемые к тому, а как будто именно только не желая указанной дороги, и упрямо, своевольно пробивали другую, трудную, нелепую, отыскивая ее чуть не в потемках.
Записки из мёртвого дома
"E che cosa dovremmo farne di tutti quei milioni di fatti che stanno lì a testimoniare che gli uomini, coscientemente, e cioè rendendosi perfettamente conto di quali erano i loro autentici interessi, li hanno relegati in secondo piano e si sono messi a battere un'altra strada, a proprio rischio e pericolo, magari a caso, senza esservi costretti da nulla e da nessuno, come se proprio non volessero saperne della via chiaramente indicata, e testardamente, in piena indipendenza, se ne volessero aprire un'altra molto più difficile, assurda, che andava cercata addirittura nell'oscurità."
[Memorie dal Sottosuolo. Fëdor Dostoevskij]
"Mon project: Je pense que pour "capturer l'invisible" la meilleure chose, la plus logique c'est, peut etre, eteindre la lumière.
1- Pour ca je voudrais èteindre mon lamp et, en plus, ajouter au lamp une petite plaque où ecrir un bref concept qui explique que le but pour capturer l'invisible c'est èteindre la lumiere. Devenir soi meme invisible c'est le premier pas vers eux meme, que, peut etre, n'est pas trouvèe seulement par la ragion (dans ce propose je suis en train de rechercher une bonne phrase de Nietzsche ou autres autores qui ont traitèe ce problème).
En temp de crisi il faut regarder le monde à travers un autre lumiere, ce que ètè bien-etre maintenant c'est gaspillage et eteindre une lumiere c'est le moyen le plus simple pour le rendre visible.
2- En plus, si possible, j'amerais aussi eteindre tous le lamps chaque soir pour un minute. Dans sa naivetè eteindre et allumer la lumier c'est un act très scenographique, une forte branle. J'aime l'idèe de rejoindre trasversalement et avec discretion, l'individualitè de chaque lamp.
Dans ce moment de crisi, peut etre, nous renunceront à notre bien aimèe individualisme pour se joindre et se voir mieux. Ou, au moin, nous avrons gagnè un petit peu d'electricitè." [mimmo rubino]